Friends and Enemies at Sea
Life in a Humanitarian Space
Entering the humanitarian zone of Puente Nayero, in the heart of Buenaventura, is to witness the contrast between the progress of one of the most important ports in the country, with the poverty of the resilient fishers who live on Calle San Francisco
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3. Click on the marked points to find photos and information about our experience in Buenaventura
Entering the Humanitarian Zone is like being in another country, behind the doors that separate Puente Nayero street from the rest of the area, Yasmani awaits us, the wooden houses, the dirt road, the Police and the National Army that take care of the inhabitants seem to transport us to a place that you only hear about in the international news section. We whisper at first. We do not want to bother anyone.
Get to know the character and his environment
Hilario remembers the times of violence in his locality, he struggles to conserve subsistence in a peaceful territory.
Rol: Pescador Artesanal
Social leader Humanitarian Space in Buenaventura
Celphone: +57 322 6158009
Location: Humanitarian Space Puente Nayero, «La Playita», Buenaventura