With the expansion of the benefits of film laws, the country has become one of the preferred Latin American destinations for large international productions, thanks to the law for the promotion of the national territory, better known as Law 1556 of 2012.

Through the creation of the CINAS (Audiovisual Investment Incentive Certificates), an alternative to the Cash Rebate, the industry becomes more dynamic since it does not depend only on the state budget, but rather, it is a discount on the investment in talent, logistics and Colombian audiovisual services -which cause a refund of 35% of executable expenses in the country-.

Despite the approval of decree 1701 of 2021 on December 15, it is a fact that we will be trading on the Colombian Stock Exchange with the certificates, based on two modalities: automatic and ordinary registration.

The CINAS are issued in the production of movies, series, music videos, video games and advertising commercials and the Investment and Donation Certificates in creative economy projects -CID- are regulated in Decrees 474 and 697 of 2020.

With this scenario, investing in the country will be increasingly profitable for those who believe in the creative industry. According to the Ministry of Culture, Colombia, as the only country in Latin America to offer this benefit, is the territory par excellence for producing and post-producing projects. ”Since October 2020, more than 36 Certificates have been issued, which has allowed investments of more than $199 million dollars ($787,000 million Colombian pesos) with large returns”.

The generation of employment, the variety of opportunities, the dividends and the incentives that the country offers with its legislation is an encouraging panorama for the strengthening of the industry and with Studio AYMAC, the company that I represent, we are allies in the evaluation and execution of the law, which offers benefits and tax incentives in addition to foreign exchange in the national Stock Exchange.

Create a quality product and receive budget savings and a return on investment in the Colombian Stock Exchange.

Don’t forget to contact us if you have questions about your chances of benefiting from this law. Request your first COMPREHENSIVE ADVICE FOR THE PRESENTATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF FILM LAW through the email info@studioaymac.com  – It’s totally FREE -.
